End of Autumn Term Newsletter 2021
Term Dates
Autumn Term
Tuesday 7th September – Thursday 16th December 2021 Half Term 25th - 29th October 2021
Spring Term
Monday 10th January - Thursday 31st March 2022 Half Term 14th -18th February 2022
Summer Term
Tuesday 19th April – Tuesday 19th July 2022 May Day Bank Holiday - Monday 2nd May Half Term 30th May - 3rd June 2022
Autumn Term Topics
For the second half of the Autumn Term the children will be experiencing Autumn through animals, birds, scarecrows, leaves and planting bulbs ready for Spring. In addition, our topics will celebrate Bonfire Night and Christmas, alongside supporting the charities Children in Need and Christmas Jumper Day.
Children in Need - 12th to 15th November
Bear Hugs Nursery will be supporting Children in Need by holding Cake Sales and Pyjama Day
From Monday 15th November - Please bring in cakes (homemade or shop brought) to be sold
at the cake sales
Tuesday 16th to Thursday 18th November - Cake Sales at the nursery
Thursday 18th November - Pyjama Day when the children attending this day can wear pyjamas for a suggested £1 donation.
Christmas Jumper Day - Thursday 9th December
On Thursday 9th December the children are encouraged to wear Christmas Jumpers to the
Christmas Party and Performance - Thursday 16th December
All children are invited to attend the Christmas party and performance on the last day of the Autumn term, regardless of their usual sessions. Bear Hugs Nursery is delighted that the Addlestone Methodist Church has agreed to the nursery resuming it’s annual Christmas performance in the church. For the performance, the children will wear costumes supplied by the nursery and sing songs they are starting to practise this term. As a condition of using the church a maximum of 2 parent/carers may attend (please use the attached slip to book your place’s), hands must be sanitised on entering the church and face masks must be worn. Details of timings for the last day of term are below: -
Last day of the Autumn Term - A morning only session and no lunch club.
9.30am Christmas Party for all the Bear Hugs children with games, music and party food
11.30am Christmas performance by all the children in the church with parent/carers
12.00pm End of term all the children will go home straight after the performance
Book Bags
It is important for all children to develop a love of books, as reading will become the foundation to learning all subjects. Therefore, we encourage your child/ren to join our library scheme for a £5 deposit, which is refundable when your child’s book and book bag are returned when they leave the nursery. Your child/ren will receive a book bag with the nursery logo and be invited to select a book of their choice from our Bear Hugs’ library to bring home and share with their family. We hope you will enjoy reading and looking at the books with your child. Please complete the attached form to request a book bag for your children.
Places for siblings
If your child has a younger sibling that is requiring a space at Bear Hugs Nursery, please speak to Fiona so they can be put onto the waiting list.
Clothing and Footwear
All children must have two pairs of footwear. Preferably velcose plimsols for the inside and wellington boots for the garden area. No lace up footwear, as this prevents children from putting them on independently and stops their play when needing to be constantly re-tied. Also, please ensure your child has a full set of extra clothing for situations where they require changing through drink spillages, wet play, etc.
Free Flu Vaccines for Children
In Surrey, children aged two and three years old can visit their GP for the quick and easy, child-friendly nasal spray vaccination. Small children are also known as “super spreaders”, so protecting children can stop flu spreading to other children and their family, especially babies and grandparents, who may be at a higher risk from flu.
Registration for School
If your child was born between 1 September 2017 - 31 August 2018 they will be due to start school at either an infant or primary school in September 2022. You will need to register your child for a school place and the deadline for registering is 15th January 2022. Online applications are now open at www.surreycc.gov.uk/admissions or you can complete a paper copy. The local schools will have open days and we recommend you contact the schools directly or visit their websites for details.
Childcare Choices
Your child, from the term after they turn 3 years, could be eligible for 30 hours free childcare. Bear Hugs Nursery is offering up to 24 hours free childcare to those children of working parents that meet the schemes’ criteria. To check if your child is eligible or existing children to reconfirm their details apply online at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk before the end of December 2021 and inform Fiona of your Eligibility code.
Bear Hugs Nursery Facebook
Find us on facebook @bearhugsnurseryaddlestone and like us if you enjoy the photographs and comments of the activities that your children participate in at Bear Hugs Nursery.
And Finally
If you have any questions, concerns or queries about anything at Bear Hugs Nursery, please do not hesitate to speak to Fiona Fox or your child’s key person. We are always happy to share information with you and help in anyway we can. Alternatively, you may contact the nursery: telephone no. 07849 657290, e-mail: bearhugsnursery@btinternet.com Additional information can be found on our website: bearhugsnursery.com or Facebook: @bearhugsnurseryaddlestone