Our Nursery
Bear Hugs Nursery has a great central location in Addlestone town centre. The setting is situated in the Methodist Church Hall, which provides ample space for the children to move between different areas of play and learning. In addition, the hall’s many high windows provide plenty of natural light, whilst the hall remains cool throughout the summer months.
Our Prospectus provides further information about the aims, staff, curriculum, policies and important information about your child starting at Bear Hug Nursery. To find out more, please see our Prospectu
A hidden gem at Bear Hugs Nursery is the secluded garden, which is easily accessed from the hall. In the garden the children search for mini beasts in their bug hotel or among the flowers, vegetables and fruit, which they have planted, watered and observed how their plants grow.
The nursery offers Free Early Education for Two year olds (FEET funding). To see if you can apply go to www.surreycc.gov.uk/feet.
All children over three years receive Early Years Free Entitlement (EYFE) and if both parent/carers or a single parent works you could be eligible for 30 hours free childcare. To see if you are eligible go to www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Our Local Offer provides information to parents about the facilities, procedures and staffing that are available at Bear Hugs Nursery for children with SEND (Special Educational Needs). To find out more, please see our Local Offer