Autumn Term Newsletter 2021
Welcome back to all our children and a warm welcome to our new children and their families. We hope you all had a lovely relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday.
New Staff
Bear Hugs Nursery would like to welcome back Rebecca Winter from her maternity leave and give a warm welcome to Sophie Huggett who is joining the staff team this term.
Term Dates
Autumn Term
Tuesday 7th September – Thursday 16th December 2021 Half Term 25th - 29th October 2021
Spring Term
Monday 10th January - Thursday 31st March 2022 Half Term 14th -18th February 2022
Summer Term
Tuesday 19th April – Tuesday 19th July 2022 May Day Bank Holiday - Monday 2nd May Half Term 30th May - 3rd June 2022
Autumn Term Topics
For the first half of the Autumn Term the children at Bear Hugs Nursery will gain an understanding of how to look after their physical health. They will learn how to properly wash their hands, teeth, hair, clothing and catch sneezes. The children will develop their ability to independently dress themselves and how to eat and exercise healthily.
Book Bags
This term the Bear Hugs Nursery library scheme is starting up again. Book bags with the Bear Hugs Nursery logo are now available. We ask that you give a £5 deposit, which can be reclaimed after your child’s book and book bag are returned when they leave the nursery. Your child will be invited to select a book of their choice from our Bear Hugs Nursery library to bring home and share with their family. We hope you will enjoy reading and looking at the books with your child. Please complete the attached form to request a book bag for your child.
Termly Voluntary Donation
Last term your voluntary donations enabled the nursery to purchase a trolley of tyres to be used to support the children’s understanding on how different forces work, as part of our science topic. Previously, the nursery has been able to use the donations to purchase new cameras for the children to use and waterproof trousers for the children to wear in the outside area on wet days. If you feel able to support the nursery in this way you can do this by filling out the attached form and making a payment with cash or via BACS using your child’s name as the reference, Account Name: Bear Hugs Nursery, Account No: 84174269, Sort Code: 60-23-40.
Parent Involvement Form
Please see the attached Parent Involvement Form, which you are invited to complete and return to the nursery. This information is used to help plan relevant activities to support your child’s interests, learning and development.
Minimising the risk of Coronavirus
To minimise risk when children are dropped off and collected from the nursery the following will apply: - parents will not be able to come into the nursery. Please ensure you have a face- mask covering your nose and mouth when you are on the nursery premises, which starts at the main front gate and maintain social distancing with other parent/carers. On arrival you will be able to handover your child at the hall door to a member of staff and when picking your child up, they will be brought to you at the hall door by a member of staff. Children will wash their hands before touching any resources when they arrive at the setting
COVID-19 Symptoms
If you have COVID-19 symptoms your child should not attend the nursery. The most important symptoms of COVID-19 are recent onset of a new continuous cough, a high temperature (above 37.8’C), a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia). If your child is seriously ill call 999 or NHS 111 (https:/
We use the garden all year round so we ask that children have indoor shoes, such as velcro plimsolls and a change of outdoor shoes, such as velcro trainers or wellington boots. Please no lace up footwear. In addition, coats are essential every day with a recommendation to include a hat and gloves for the colder weather. A full change of clothing should be brought into every session in your child’s bag in case of spillages, accidents or water play activities.
Healthy Lunch Boxes
In line with the nursery’s healthy eating policy, it is recommended that your child’s lunch should provide a healthy balance of fruit, salad, yoghurt and protein, such as egg, ham or cheese. Although, your child may have a maximum of one treat, such as a cake or biscuit, your child should not have sweets, chocolate or sugary drinks in their lunch box. Forbidden and uneaten food will be put back into your child’s lunch box.
Choking hazards
Children can easily and quickly choke on food. To prevent this happening we ask if you put grapes, olives, baby tomatoes, etc in your child’s lunch box, that can lodge in a child’s throat, you cut them lengthwise into four pieces. In addition, please do not leave any food in your child’s bag under their chair, as your child could start to eat it without adult supervision.
Please take time to check out our facebook page where we share photos and comments on the topics and activities your child/ren participate in each week. You can leave a comment or thumbs up if you like what you see.
And Finally
If you have any questions, concerns or queries about anything at Bear Hugs Nursery, please do not hesitate to speak to Fiona Fox or your child’s key person. We are always happy to share information with you and help in anyway we can. Alternatively, you may contact the nursery: telephone no. 07849 657290, e-mail: Additional information can be found on our website: or Facebook: @bearhugsnurseryaddlestone