Spring Term Newsletter 2022

We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and wish all our children and their families a Happy New Year. The staff would like to thank you for your lovely cards and presents, which are much appreciated.

Christmas Performance

It was fantastic to be able to hold our annual Christmas performance with so may family and friend attending. Congratulations to all the children who took part in the Bear Hugs Nativity. The children enjoyed learning their new Christmas songs and looked wonderful in their Nativity costumes.

Children in Need

Last term the children raise £118.97 for Children in Need through your tremendous support in bringing and buying cakes during the fundraising week in November.


Bear Hugs Nursery would like to bid a fond farewell to Ms Winter and wish her all the best for the future.

Term Dates

Spring Term

Monday 10th January - Thursday 31st March 2022 Half Term 14th -18th February 2022

Summer Term

Tuesday 19th April – Tuesday 19th July 2022 May Day Bank Holiday - Monday 2nd May Half Term 30th May - 3rd June 2022

Spring Term Topics

For the first half of the Spring Term the children at Bear Hugs Nursery will be considering how their five senses can help them to understand the world around them through tasting, hearing, seeing, smelling and touching. During the second half of the Spring Term the children will be reading and sharing traditional fairy tale stories. They will look at the Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Gingerbread Man, The Elves and the Shoemaker, Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In addition, the children will celebrate World Book Day, Mothering Sunday and Easter


We use the garden all year round and would ask that all children come into nursery, at this time of year, with wellington boots for the garden, as well as their indoor shoes, we recommend velcro plimsolls. In addition, coats are essential every day with a recommendation to include a hat and gloves for the colder weather. A full change of clothing should be brought into every session in your child’s bag in case of spillages, accidents or playing outside on wet surfaces. Please ensure all clothing is clearly named.

COVID-19 Symptoms

If your child has COVID-19 symptoms they should not attend the nursery. The symptoms of COVID-19 can be a new and persistent cough, high temperature (above 37.8’C), a loss or changed sense of smell or taste (anosmia). Or flu-like symptoms, such as a runny nose or a sore throat. If your child has any of these symptoms they should take a LFT test and must self-isolate if positive for 10 days, which can be reduced to 7 days if they have two negative LFT on day 6 and a second 24 hours later. If day 6 and day 7 tests are negative they can return to the nursery on day 7. If your child is seriously ill call 999 or NHS 111 (https:/ 111.nhs.uk/covid-19/)

Places for siblings

If your child has a younger sibling that is requiring a space at Bear Hugs Nursery, please speak to Fiona so they can be put onto the waiting list to reserve a place for them.

Termly Voluntary Donation

Previously, your voluntary donations have enabled the nursery to purchase a trolley full of tyres to be used to support the children’s understanding on how different forces work, new cameras for the children to take photos of their environment and waterproof trousers for the children to wear in the outside area on wet days. If you feel able to support the nursery in this way you can do this by filling out the attached form and making a payment with cash or via BACS using your child’s name as the reference, Account Name: Bear Hugs Nursery, Account No: 84174269, Sort Code: 60-23-40.

Parent Involvement Form

Please see the attached Parent Involvement Form, which you are invited to complete and return to the nursery. This information is used to help plan relevant activities to support your child’s learning and development.

Nursery Feedback Form

Bear Hugs Nursery values your feedback on how we perform as a nursery. Please take a few minutes to fill out the form and return to the nursery.

Weather Update

Should the nursery need to close due to bad weather a text will be sent to your mobile phone.

Bear Hugs Nursery Facebook

Find us on facebook @bearhugsnurseryaddlestone and like us if you enjoy the photographs and comments of the activities that your children participate in at Bear Hugs Nursery.

And Finally

If you have any questions, concerns or queries about anything at Bear Hugs Nursery, please do not hesitate to speak to Fiona Fox or your child’s key person. We are always happy to share information with you and help in anyway we can. Alternatively, you may contact the nursery: telephone no. 07849 657290, e-mail: bearhugsnursery@btinternet.com Additional information can be found on our website: bearhugsnursery.com or Facebook: @bearhugsnurseryaddlestone


End of Spring Term 2022


End of Autumn Term Newsletter 2021