Summer Term Newsletter 2022
Bear Hugs Nursery hopes you have all enjoyed a lovely Easter Break and are looking forward to the Summer Term. We would like to give a warm welcome to the children and their families who are starting at Bear Hugs Nursery this term.
Summer Term Dates
Start of term: Tuesday 19th April
May Day Bank Holiday: Monday 2nd May
Half Term: 30th May - 3rd June 2022
End of term: Monday 18th July for non leavers - Tuesday 19th July for children starting school in September 2022
Summer Term Topics
For the Summer Term the children will celebrate the diverse cultures that represent the children who attend Bear Hugs Nursery. They will consider the similarities and differences of the different countries, including celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in the United Kingdom. Parents will be invited into the setting to share their experiences of their own country and culture with the children. These countries will include Portugal, France, Italy, Korea, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Vietnam, Spain, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Bengali and India.
Warmer weather
As the weather gets sunnier the children will need to bring in sun hats and have sun lotion applied at home before they attend the session. Please put suntan lotion into your child’s bag so that the nursery can reapply suntan lotion in the afternoon to children who have attend both the morning and afternoon session that day. Children are still required to have two pairs of footwear, one pair for inside and one pair for the garden area. The footwear should not have laces, as children are encouraged to become independent in changing their own footwear.
School Places for September 2022
Children who are going to school in September 2022 should be notified on 19th April the school your child will be attending. Please could you contact Bear Hugs Nursery and let Fiona or Claire know the primary school, so that the nursery can liaise with their new school.
Termly Voluntary Donation
Please take time to consider if you are able to support the nursery with a termly donation. As a nursery we do not charge for your child’s daily mid-morning and afternoon snacks, craft materials or add additional charges to your free funded sessions. Previously, the nursery has been able to use the donations to purchase new cameras for the children to use and waterproof trousers for the children to wear in the outside area on wet days. If you feel able to support the nursery in this way you can do this via BACS using your child’s name as the reference Account Name: Bear Hugs Nursery, Account No: 84174269, Sort Code: 60-23-40.
Leavers Party and Concert (morning only session) - 9.30am to 12pm
On Tuesday 19th July, all the children who are going to school in September 2022 are invited to a leavers’ party, followed by a leavers’ concert. At 11.30am parent/carers will be invited to watch their child perform songs they will learn during the second-half of the summer term.
Places for siblings
If your child has a younger sibling that is requiring a space at Bear Hugs Nursery, please speak to Fiona so they can be put onto the waiting list.
Extra Hours for September 2022
If you would like your child to increase their hours in September, please contact the nursery and speak to Fiona or Claire.
Early Years Free Entitlement (EYFE)
Children whose third birthday falls between 01.04.22 - 31.08.22 will be eligible for the EYFE in September. We will give you a form to complete if this applies to you. The grant entitles you to 15 hours per week of free nursery care, which is equivalent to 5 x 3 hour sessions per week.
30 Hours Free Entitlement
Your child, from the term after they turn 3 years, could be eligible for 30 hours free childcare. Bear Hugs Nursery is offering up to 24 hours (8 sessions) free childcare to those children of working parents that meet the scheme’s criteria. To check your eligibility visit the HM Government Childcare Choices website: If your child already receives the 30 hours free funding or you are eligible to start using the additional hours in September 2022, you will need to register/re-register by 31st August 2022 to start/ continue to use the hours in September 2022.
All fees for this Summer Term must be completely paid in full by Thursday 30th June.
COVID-19 Symptoms
If your child has COVID-19 symptoms they should not attend the nursery. The symptoms of COVID-19 can be a new and persistent cough, high temperature (above 37.8’C), a loss or changed sense of smell or taste (anosmia). Or flu-like symptoms, such as a runny nose or a sore throat. If your child has any of these symptoms they should take a LFT test and self- isolate if positive for 10 days, which can be reduced to 6 days if they have two negative LFT on day 5 and a second 24 hours later. If day 5 and day 6 tests are negative they can return to the nursery on day 6. If your child is seriously ill call 999 or NHS 111 (https:/ covid-19/)
Bear Hugs Nursery Facebook
Find us on facebook @bearhugsnurseryaddlestone and like us if you enjoy the photographs and comments of the activities that your children participate in at Bear Hugs Nursery.
And Finally
If you have any questions, concerns or queries about anything at Bear Hugs Nursery, please do not hesitate to speak to Fiona Fox or your child’s key person. We are always happy to share information with you and help in anyway we can. Alternatively, you may contact the nursery: telephone no. 07849 657290, e-mail: Additional information can be found on our website: or Facebook: @bearhugsnurseryaddlestone