Autumn Term Newsletter 2022
Welcome back to all our children and a warm welcome to our new children and their families. We hope you all had a lovely relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday.
Bear Hugs Nursery would like to say a fond farewell to Faye Abbott who has moved to another nursery closer to her home and wish her well. We welcome back Rebecca Winter who is returning for the Autumn term. Congratulations to Claire Pullen who has been promoted to manager and Sophie Huggett who has been promoted to deputy manager. In addition, Rebecca Winter and Sophie Huggett will become our DSL (safeguarding officers) and Claire Pullen and Emma Lavender will be our SENCos (Special educational needs co-ordinators).
Summer Term Topic
Bear Hugs Nursery would like to thank all the families who generously shared their cultures through information, visiting the nursery, gifts and crafts. The experience was incredibly enriching for the children and staff to learn how we live in an extremely diverse world, how cultures are different and how they are similar.
Autumn Term Topic
For the first half of the Autumn Term the children at Bear Hugs Nursery will be considering journeys by rail/trains, fields/tractors, air/aeroplanes, sea/boats, space/rockets and road/cars.
Term Dates
Autumn Term
Monday 5th September – Thursday 15th December 2022
Half Term 24th - 28th October 2022
Spring Term
Monday 9th January - Thursday 30th March 2023
Half Term 13th -17th February 2023
Summer Term
Monday 17th April – Tuesday 18th July 2023
May Day Bank Holiday - Monday 1st May 2023
Half Term 29th May - 2nd June 2023
Termly Voluntary Donation
As a nursery we do not charge for your child’s daily mid-morning and afternoon snacks, craft materials or add additional charges to your free funded sessions. In support of the nursery maintaining/extending resources available to your child, Bear Hugs Nursery would like to ask you for a voluntary termly donation. If you feel able to support the nursery in this way, please complete the slip at the bottom of this newsletter and return with your donation.
We use the garden all year round so we ask that children have indoor shoes, such as velcro plimsolls and a change of outdoor shoes, such as velcro trainers or wellington boots. Please no lace up footwear. A full change of clothing should be brought into every session in your child’s bag in case of spillages, accidents or water play activities. All clothing should be clearly named.
Healthy Lunch Boxes
In line with the nursery’s healthy eating policy, it is recommended that your child’s lunch should provide a healthy balance of fruit, salad, yoghurt and protein, such as egg, ham or cheese. Although, your child may have a maximum of one treat, such as a cake or biscuit, your child should not have sweets, chocolate or sugary drinks in their lunch box. Forbidden and uneaten food will be put back into your child’s lunch box.
Choking hazards
Children can easily and quickly choke on food. To prevent this happening we ask if you put grapes, olives, baby tomatoes, etc in your child’s lunch box, that can lodge in a child’s throat, you cut them lengthwise into four pieces. In addition, please do not leave any food in your child’s bag under their chair, as your child could start to eat it without adult supervision.
Please take time to check out our facebook page where we share photos and comments on the topics and activities your child/ren participate in each week. You can leave a comment or thumbs up if you like what you see.
And Finally
If you have any questions, concerns or queries about anything at Bear Hugs Nursery, please do not hesitate to speak to Fiona Fox or your child’s key person. We are always happy to share information with you and help in anyway we can. Alternatively, you may contact the nursery: telephone no. 07849 657290, e-mail: Additional information can be found on our website: or Facebook: @bearhugsnurseryaddlestone
Download the donation slip