End of Autumn Term 2020
Bear Hugs Nursery remains open during lockdown
Bear Hugs Nursery is delighted that we are able to remain open to all of our children through the second national lockdown, commencing this Thursday 5th November. This will enable the nursery to continue to give routine, stability and continuity to our children.
Maternity leave
Rebecca Winter will be going onto maternity leave from Monday 16th November and we wish her all the best for the birth of her second child. The nursery would like to give a warm welcome to Faye Abbott who will be covering Rebecca’s maternity leave and taking on the responsibility of Rebecca’s key children.
Parents in the nursery
To minimise risk when children are dropped off and collected from the nursery the following will apply: - only one parent/carer per child may enter the setting and only four different parents to be in the nursery at anyone time. Parent/carers must maintain social distancing (please be especially aware of allowing social distancing around the entrance door) have your nose and mouth covered with a face mask and use the hand sanitiser (operated by your elbow and requiring just one pump) before entering the nursery. Children will be helped by a member of staff to wash their hands before touching any resources when they arrive at the setting.
Face masks
It is imperative that face masks are worn by parents and carers inside the nursery and a charge of £1 will now be made for anyone needing to purchase one of the nursery’s disposable masks.
Term dates
Autumn Term
Monday 2nd November to Tuesday 15th December 2020
Spring Term
Tuesday 5th January to Thursday 1st April 2021
Half Term - 15th to19th February 2021
Summer Term
Monday 19th April to Thursday 15th July 2021
Half Term - 31st May to 4th June 2021
May Bank Holiday - Monday 3rd May 2021
Autumn term topics
During the second half of the Autumn Term the children will be looking at themselves, through their family and friends, what they like to play with and what they like to eat. In addition, our topics will celebrate Bonfire Night and Christmas, alongside supporting the charities Children in Need and Christmas Jumper Day.
Children in Need - 9th to 12th November
Bear Hugs Nursery will be supporting Children in Need by holding a Name the Teddy competition. Children can enter as many names as they wish at £1 per entry during the week. The child whose teddy name is pulled out will win the teddy.
• Thursday 12th November - Fancy Dress can be worn by the children attending this day for a suggested £1 donation.
• Thursday 12th November - The winner of Name the Teddy will be drawn at 3.30pm and shown on the Bear Hugs Nursery facebook page.
Christmas Jumper Day - Monday 14th December
On Monday 14th December the children attending are encouraged to wear Christmas Jumpers to the nursery.
Christmas Party - Tuesday 15th December
All children, even if this is not their usual session, are invited on the last day of term, to the Bear Hugs Nursery Christmas Party. The last day of term is a morning only session from 9.30am to 12pm, with no lunch club or afternoon session. The children are invited to wear Christmas / party clothes to our Christmas Party that will involve games, music and party food.
Clothing and Footwear
All children need to have two pairs of footwear to protect their feet from puddles and wet astro turf, and to keep the hall floor from becoming wet and slippery. Preferably velcose plimsols for the inside area and wellington boots for the garden area. We request that children do not have lace up footwear, as this prevents children from becoming independent. In addition, coats, hats, scarves and gloves will be needed as the weather becomes colder. Please ensure all your child’s clothing, footwear and items, such as drinking containers, are clearly named.
No Mobile Phones
We would like to remind all parents/guardians that you are not allowed to use mobile phones inside the nursery, as part of safeguarding the nursery children. In addition, it is always better for you to be able to give your full attention to your child as you leave and collect them from the nursery. Should your phone ring as you are coming into the nursery, please either ignore the call or leave the nursery to take the phone call.
Free Flu Vaccines for Children
In Surrey, children aged two and three years old can visit their GP for the quick and easy, child-friendly nasal spray vaccination. Small children are also known as “super spreaders”, so protecting children can stop flu spreading to other children and the family, especially babies and grandparents, who may be at a higher risk from flu.
If your child is unable to attend their allocated session, you must inform the nursery within 30 minutes of the start of your child’s session via telephone, voice message, text or email.
Contact Details
Please inform the nursery immediately if your contact details/telephone number change.
Registration for School
If your child was born between 1 September 2016 - 31 August 2017 they will be due to start school at either an infant or primary school in September 2021. You will need to register your child for a school place from 2nd November 2020 and the deadline for registering is 15th January 2021. You can register online at www.surreycc.gov.uk/admissions or complete a paper copy. We recommend you research your local schools by contacting the schools directly or visit their websites for details.
Childcare Choices
Your child, from the term after they turn 3 years, could be eligible for 30 hours free childcare. Bear Hugs Nursery is offering up to 24 hours free childcare to those children of working parents that meet the schemes’ criteria. If your child is eligible and you would like to use the extra hours you will need to go online before the end of this Autumn term and obtain an Eligibility Code that must be given to Fiona in order to receive the extra funding from January 2021. If your child is already receiving the extra funding, please reconfirm your details before the end of December to continue to claim the extra funding www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Bear Hugs Nursery Facebook
Find us on facebook @bearhugsnurseryaddlestone and like us if you enjoy the photographs and comments of the activities that your children participate in at Bear Hugs Nursery.
And Finally
If you have any questions, concerns or queries about anything at Bear Hugs Nursery, please do not hesitate to speak to Fiona Fox or your child’s key person. We are always happy to share information with you and help in anyway we can. Alternatively, you may contact the nursery: telephone no. 07849 657290, e-mail: bearhugsnursery@btinternet.com Additional information can be found on our website: bearhugsnursery.com or Facebook: @bearhugsnurseryaddlestone